European Research

The European research on the competences of the over 50 and adult education policies describes Adult Education Programmes already existing in the Senior Plus countries and identifies the basic and cross competences which inactive seniors are meant to have access to. The research has been coordinated by a partner able to join together the seniors’ point of view and the one of the companies that hire personnel. After collecting a contribution from all partners about their local context, a synthesis and a comparison has been drawn as a basis for creating the training format Senior Plus. An overview of the existing literature about competences, especially the strategic ones needed by the specific target group of the project, influenced 2 working lines: the choice of the content of the training course for the seniors, clarifying also the mythological assumptions behind it; the outline of the E-Portfolio’s section on competences.
The document became indeed a methodological manifesto as well as a guide to the understanding of the overall structure. The research, available first for the partners and their staff, than for the participants to Senior Plus experimentation and finally it translated in the 5 languages of the partnership, is now available for download on this website.

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