
In each country Senior Plus training course involved more than 20 seniors over 50 years old, unemployed or inactive, who wish to re-enter the job market. A common protocol led the experimentation at local level, but guaranteeing the dynamism in applying heterogeneous answers to the different needs of participants and local reality. As for general contents, the course introduced and accompany seniors in familiarizing with computer technology and by distance communication tools, that permitted them to make the best use of their E-Portfolio and to remotely communicate with the work group and with their trainers/advisors.
After building a good group atmosphere, as condition needed for a personal pathway of research and recognition, the course investigated motivations, strengths and difficulties of each participant.
A fundamental step was the finding and recognition of the competences, altogether with research and the collection of evidences of past experiences thanks to certifications, photographs, video-interviews, and any other document that can be uploaded to the E-Portfolio. It became a multifunction tool to be adapted according to the objective or to the eventual job of interest. Other crucial elements of this training course are personal branding and constant evaluation of the steps that accompanied seniors in their own activation path. This training course was completed with voluntary work experience, locally with youngsters or abroad. A comparative analysis of the results obtained through the implementation of the training course Senior Plus was done and is available in English on the project’s web page. It is addressed to technicians and trainers of this field; it includes a video summary of the training course in each of the country and it is in original language to favour and stress the multilingual aspect. It was used in a very efficient way in social marketing and for this reason it  includes English subtitles for full understanding for a wider public.


Method & Pathway

Interview with Clare Bental, Senior Plus trainer

Interview with Nadine, senior participant

Video PT Senior Plus Training Pathway

Testimony of Paula Pato

Testimony of Paulo Pinheiro

Video FR Senior Plus Pathway

Video interview MURIEL

Video interview FLORENCE

Senior Plus – project overview


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