Rome, June 26th – 29th, 2014

Final Evaluation Meeting Aims


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The Mid-Term Meeting involved members of the local focus groups and responsibles of each partner organisation, CEMEA del Lazio (ITALY), Associação Juvenil de Peniche (PORTUGAL), Keric (SLOVAKIA), Telecentro de Ayerbe (SPAIN), Chance for Life (ROMANIA). The meeting had 3 main objectives:
- Offer the opportunity to have an overview of the Experimentation phase, to share the experiences and reflections occasioned by the experimentation and consequently to validate together the Quality Chart of the Educational Holiday Centre.
- Make a final evaluation of the ED.HO.C. project
- Realize the ED.HO.C. Public Event to present the project, its learning outcomes and the Quality Chart, in the presence and with the contribution of the international team that contributed to it.



Final Evaluation Meeting Programme


final evaluation meeting programme edhoc


Final Evaluation Meeting Presentation


Foto & Video

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