Monitoring Meeting in Lisbon

Between 21st and 22nd November 2016 it happened in Lisbon the second Senior Plus Monitoring Meeting.

Hosted by Associação Mais Cidadania (AMC) the meeting it involved the five Senior Plus managers from each partner organization and AMC’s team.

This Meeting was focused on the discussion of strategic points of Senior Plus Project related to the implementation phase in each country linked to the Senior Plus pathway. Keeping coherence in the different partner countries was the challenge we successfully met.

We discussed the Senior+ Calendar Staff Mobility, Senior Courses and Senior Mobility, defining what would  be done, adjusting crossing dates and updating the Activity Plan.

One of the addressed topics was the Training protocol for seniors, defining for example the minimum number of hours for each training.

Another topic discussed at the Monitoring meeting was the Action Plan, it was drafted keeping coherence, enabling a common comparison, analysis and validation in terms of results of the Senior Plus pathway (Training and Voluntary experience abroad and at local level).

Finally the partners got deeper on the the Short Term Joint Staff Training Events, defining more concrete objectives and sharing ideas.

At local level took place an informal meeting with the AMC’s  local partners involved in Senior Plus, it was a great opportunity to get know each other and to understand how AMC is planning the implementation phase with the seniors.

At the end of the Monitoring Meeting we were very satisfied with the results of the meeting and excited to go forward with the next steps of the project. 


Paula Mendes

Staff, AMC

Lisbon, 30th of November 2016

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