senior pass platform sharing training tools

Add an activity

Please feel free to use as much space as you need to describe the activity proposed, following the tips for the narrative parts. Please consider that this content will be published in the Senior Pass Advisors platform for sharing with the other facilitators you have probably met in Liverpool. All details and materials can be useful to transfer and adapt the activity. If you will make relevant variations, transforming the tool for a different purpose, you can also upload this contribution to the platform in a second moment. Thanks for your cooperation
The name or title given to the activity
The general purpose of the activity in the SP educative/training situation.
Your Name and Surname

Add an image file that describe activity (jpg, jpeg, gif, png, bmp)

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The concrete learning or educational objectives or goals that the tool seeks to achieve. They should be concrete and related to the SP pathway you are proposing
The tool might be an “example” or concrete application of a wider methodology in which it is rooted (e.g. cooperative learning, outdoor education, discovery based learning, e-learning, problem based learning, peer learning, simulation, transformative theatre…)
Please list the materials needed and the quantity you presume necessary for implementing the activity with the number of participants you mentioned
Description, including clear instructions and materials needed, of the different steps of the activity.
Of course the final outcomes are not fixed before running the activity, but, please, describe the expected outcome and its characteristics on the base of your expectations.
If the activity has been run and evaluated several times it is convenient to share the advantages, disadvantages, potentialities and limits of the activity.
Tips for facilitators, possible variations and adaptations
You can signal links and send documents useful for knowing the educational background or to simply run the activity. Photos and videos can be very useful if you have them from other experiences in order to concretize better your description