Euromed Youth Awards 2013 –- Hip Hop for Euromed wins!
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Gioventù in Azione e Euromed Gioventù IV
Youth organizations from several European Countries and from Mediterranean Area meet in Dead Sea – Jordan, to celebrate the significant achievements of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation in the field of youth.
From 10th to 14th of June 2013, eighty-three participants will meet in Dead Sea – Jordan within the framework of the EU-funded Euromed Youth and Youth in Action Programs, for the second edition of the event “Euromed Youth Awards”, with the aim of celebrating the significant achievements of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation in the field of youth. Cemea del Mezzogiorno and its partners obtained with the youth exchange Hip Hop for Euromed the title of best youth exchange.
41 projects are taking part in the competition: 14 EuroMed and 27 European. Only four from Europe and four from the Euromed neighbour countries have been awarded.
The awarding process worked out based on the: level of matching with regional and national priorities (of Youth in Action and/or Euromed Youth Programme IV); quality of the partnership; general sustainability of the project; strategic potential of the project for the development of both Programs; added value of the project; local impact of the project; involvement of participants; involvement of partners; educational dimension of the project (competencies, learning outcomes); innovation and changes proposed by the project.
The event was co-organized by the Jordanian hosting Institution, Salto Youth Euromed RC, the Euromed Youth IV Regional Capacity-Building and Support Unit and the Jordanian Euromed Youth Unit, Euromed Youth Platform, and the Turkish, Italian, Portuguese and Cypriot National Agencies for the European Youth in Action programme under the patronage of the European Commission. In this activity participated professionals in youth field from the European countries and also neighbour countries from Mediterranean area, as Egypt, Lebanon, Tunisia, Israel, Jordan and Palestine. During these four days, the participants enhanced the successes of the Euro-Mediterranean Youth cooperation by sharing good practices and giving a new impetus for future partnership and cooperation within the future generation of Youth and Euromed Youth programs.
This activity strength the collaboration with the neighbour countries in the Mediterranean Area, as place for the union of different people from “this Sea which is joining us together”
Cemea del Mezzogiorno (Training Centres for Active Methodology Education) supports youth art expression as an educative tool both inside its youth centers in Rome and within international mobility projects granted by European and International programs. The youth exchanges W.A.L.L.S. – Wall Art for Leisure and Learning Spaces (2006 Youth – action 1) and Hip Hop for YourHope (2007 Youth in Action – action 1.1) give continuity to the local work of bridging between youth education and street art. Participants to the last one had also the opportunity to perform on professional and international stages in one original hip hop dance choreography, titled “I have a dream…” (2008) , realized by French Italian Israeli and Palestinian dancers, thanks to the support of Anna Lindth Foundation. They continued as peer educators in different youth centres in Rome, letting them going deeper until Hip Hop for Euromed (2011 Youth in Action – action 3.1), a youth exchange born thanks to their own initiative and realized with the support of Cemea. Cemea aimed to accompany these youngster towards entrepreneurship, creating opportunities for developing their innov-ability, to learn how to transform a passion in concrete possibility for their future. Some of the participants to the different steps of the process are now founding their own cultural cooperative in order to work in cinema production and the organisation of cultural events. The first “product” to launch their new enterprise will be presented the 30th of June in Rome: a video-documentary on hip hop dance in the Euromed based on the youth exchange HH4EM. The first preview will be projected during the Euromed youth Awards, but you can see the trailer:
Watch the trailer
With this experience and this spirit Daniele Nubile (responsible for youth exchanges in Cemea del Mezzogiorno) and Giulia Giorgi (inventor and youth leader in HH4EM and participants in all the activities realized) went to the European Youth Awards 2013 in Jordan for the nomination to the best international youth exchange title, obtained with a great success.