Category : Notizie Senior-Plus

Newsletter – November 2017

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Senior Plus European Event

On the 18th of October 2017 we had the pleasure to host in Rome the European Multiplier Event of Senior Plus project, held at Porta Futuro job center.

Senior Plus Method & Pathway – video

After a 2 years project, the floor passes to the protagonists to tell us with their own words about the learning and impact Senior Plus fostered for them.

Il metodo ed il percorso Senior Plus in video

Dopo due anni di progetto, la parola sugli apprendimenti e gli effetti del progetto Senior Plus passa ai protagonisti.

Newsletter – August 2017

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Latvijas seniori izprot brīvprātīgā darba nozīmi

Tie, kuri kaut reiz ir pamēģinājuši brīvprātīgo darbu, saprot, cik daudz tas var dot personības izaugsmei.

Latvian seniors and the importance of volunteering

Those who have at least once tried volunteering understand how much it can give at a personal and professional level.

The experience of European volunteers in France

Pistes-Solidaires hosted 7 volunteers in Pau for 3 weeks, within the Senior Plus framework.

Hosting EU Volunteers in Portugal

In Portugal, we hosted 6 international volunteers between April and June – 2 from Latvia, 4 from Italy and 2 from France…

Como se aqui ali foram sempre

The journey for us has begun… four women, four lives that meet to pass 20 days together towards the “unknown”.

Como se aqui ali foram sempre

Il viaggio per noi è cominciato… quattro donne, quattro vite che si incontrano per vivere 20 giorni insieme verso “l’ignoto”.

A local volunteering experience

Raffaella is one the Italian seniors that took part in the Senior Plus pathway and did a local volunteering experience.

Hosting Senior Volunteers in UK

Community Action Dacorum welcomed four senior volunteers – two from Pistes Solidaires, two from CEMEA – to Hemel Hempstead for three weeks this summer.

Newsletter – March 2017

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3rd February 2017, Florence. The Italian National Agency INDIRE organised a monitoring meeting among all project managers running a KA2 project under Adult Education.

Sākušās projekta „Senior Plus” mācības Tirzā un Druvienā

Mācību pirmajā daļā (40 stundu kursu laikā) seniori novērtēs un papildinās savas kompetences, piemēram, iegūs jaunas vai uzlabos esošās datorlietošanas prasmes, kā arī izveidos personisko E-portfolio.

Training for Seniors in Latvia

At the end of February first meeting brought together seniors from Gulbene district Tirza and Druviena villages.

What’s happening on the other side of Europe?

Between 23rd January and 8th February, 2 joint staff mobilities took place: one in Hemel Hemstead, Great-Britain and one in Pau, France.

The first Senior Plus training course

The United Kingdom was the first partner country of Senior Plus project to implement the training course for seniors.

Monitoring Meeting in Lisbon

Between 21st and 22nd November 2016 it happened in Lisbon the second Senior Plus Monitoring Meeting.

Newsletter – October 2016

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HR Afterwork

On the 22nd of September 2016 in the bar area of the Hotel Myriad in the Parque das Nações in Lisboa took place the 24th edition of the HR After Work.

The COMP-PASS e-portfolio, a new asset to find your next job

Is a resume and a cover letter enough to apply for a job? Will it satisfy a recruiter?

The Training Course for Trainers

The Training course for Trainers (TfT) is one of the elements of the Intellectual Output number 2 of Senior Plus project. Led by the UK partner View from Here ltd, the IO is aimed to put the theoretical and content basis for the Training Courses for 50+ participants, that will be held in the first semester of 2017.

Guide for Volunteers and for workers…work in progress!

Having experience in the field of volunteering both with youngsters and seniors and in coordinating international mobilities throughout the years, our Association Mais Cidadania was chosen to be the responsible for the compiling of a guide on international and local voluntary work.

Newsletter – July 2016

Advisor Testimonial of the Training for Trainers

How could I summarize the Training for trainers experience this summer? Let’s say I can do it in 3 words: empowering, interesting and pasta!

Senior Plus Monitoring Meeting in Pau

Here we are! It was time for the partners of the European Adult Education project Senior Plus to meet again. After the launch in Rome in November 2015, all the managers of the 6 organisations involved met again from 6th to 7th June 2016, in France, at Pistes Solidaires’ headquarter. A very intensive meeting, focused [...]

Raising awareness of Senior Plus Project at the Volunteering event

       DCVS (working name Community Action Dacorum) are one of the partner in this project.  This project is continuation of a previous project called Senior Pass.  Our role in this project is to lead on the evaluation of Intellectual Outputs making sure the project delivery is in line with the application requirements.  Since [...]

Towards the Senior Plus Research

View From Here has been researching the European picture of competence development for Seniors. It seems that for our particular age group, there are no specific competence frameworks in use across Europe – nor in any of the partner countries of the Senior Plus project. Instead, there is a patchwork of approaches and tools used [...]

Gli advisors in formazione a Cantalupo in Sabina

Cemea del Mezzogiorno e i suoi partner hanno messo a punto un format specifico dedicato alla preparazione dei formatori/advisors, che a livello locale nei vari paesi seguiranno i 20 seniors inseriti nel percorso che li accompagnerà nella riscoperta e accrescimento delle loro competenze e nella costruzione del loro E-portfolio. Sulla base della ricerca europea sulle [...]

Senior Plus in Italy…getting ready to host the Training for Trainers

The first months of Senior Plus went along focusing on the development of the first learning outputs of the project. We put our energies in this step of research and preparation because we know how important it is for the learning process that will follow. We also like to pay attention to details and to [...]

Atslēga uz panākumiem – laba komanda

Ikviena projekta pamatā ir divas puses – vienā ir tie, kas piedalās un bauda augļus, bet otrā – “labie gariņi”, kas visu noorganizē, rūpējas, lai sasniegtu izvirzītos mērķus un uzdevumus. Šoreiz mēs vēlamies jūs iepazīstināt ar to, kas notiek TV kameras otrā pusē jeb starptautiskā projekta “Senior Plus” projekta aizkulisēs. Ļaujiet iepazīstināt ar trim aktīvām [...]

The key to success – a good team

Each project is based on the two sides – on one is they who are participating and enjoying the “fruits”, on the second -  those who arranges and take care of all to achieve goals and objectives. This time we want to introduce you to what’s going on behind the scenes in international project “Senior [...]

Meeting good practices in Lisbon

The AMC team involved in the Senior Plus project participated on the 24th of May in the closing conference of the European project “XPTO + Excellence in Professional Training Opportunities”, promoted by EUROYOUTH and the XPTO + consortium in Lisbon. The Conference was attended by the national partners of the project – EUROYOUTH (coordinator), Professional [...]

Newsletter – March 2016

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The first steps have been done

Gulbene Municipality Council has started to realize international project “Senior Plus”. We have already completed a local project staff team, who will carry out all necessary steps, to do all planned activities maximum good. In the end of January 2016 we held first local project staff team meeting. During this meeting we got whole general [...]

Pirmie soļi ir veikti

Gulbenes novada dome ir uzsākusi starptautiskā projekta “Senior Plus” realizāciju. Jau ir nokomplektēta projekta komanda, kas veiks visus nepieciešamos pasākumus, lai viss iecerētais izdotos. Ir notikusi pirmā vietējā darba grupas sanāksme, kuras laikā tika sniegta informācija par projektu kopumā, sadalītas atbildības jomas, kā arī izrunāts turpmākais rīcības plāns. Projektā esam iesaistījuši Gulbenes novada bibliotēku, kas [...]

The local network in Lisbon

Mais Cidadania Association in Portugal started the Senior+ project with their local network partners – the Group of Employment and Training born within the framework of the Social Commission of the local Municipality of Misericórdia. This is a group of strategic partners working in the field of employability and social inclusion according to the needs of the neighborhood. [...]

Senior Plus, does it ring a bell?

In Pistes-Solidaires when a project works we always find a way to go further! Do you remember Senior Pass? It was a project that was launched by Pistes in 2013. This project allowed seniors to regain trust in them and to put words on their competencies. They were able to become mobile, to discover new [...]

Senior Plus ça vous parle?

A Pistes-Solidaires quand un projet fonctionne on cherche toujours des solutions pour aller plus loin. Vous souvenez de Senior Pass? Senior Pass était un projet lancé par Pistes en 2013. Ce projet a permis à des Seniors de reprendre confiance en eux et de mettre des mots sur leurs compétences. Ils ont pu partir en [...]

Senior Plus started!

Senior Plus started! From the 23rd to the 25th of November 2015 the Senior Plus partners met in Rome for the first management meeting where the project and its results were introduced and the working plan shared within the consortium. Thanks to a close participation and contribution of the organisations’ managers, the kick-off meeting took [...]

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